LETTER: Watertown Republicans Urge People to Vote in the State Primary, Share Endorsements

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Open Letter from the Watertown to Republican Town Committee Chairman:

On behalf of the Watertown Republican Town Committee (WRTC), I want to remind all voters to get out on and vote on Tuesday September 4th in the upcoming State Primary.
Primary Day is both the first day of school and the day after Labor Day, therefore many might not be aware or even thinking in terms of voting yet. Nevertheless it is important that Watertown makes her voice heard. So no matter what your political leanings are, or what Primary you are inclined to vote in, please don’t forget to take a few minutes to study the candidates and vote on September 4th.

To my fellow Republicans and those unenrolled voters who will be pulling a Republican Ballot, I would like to take a moment to remind you that the WRTC has endorsed the following candidates.

For United State Senate we’ve endorsed State Representative Geoff Diehl. Among Geoff’s many accomplishments, he led the 2014 effort to repeal the Automatic Gas Tax Increases that allowed the Legislature to shirk its duty to vote on future tax increases. Repealing this regressive tax saved Massachusetts taxpayers billions of dollars. Just as important, it sent a strong and simple message to the Legislature. Take Responsibility for actions. If they want to raise taxes, that have guts to vote for it each time and face the voters.

For Attorney General we’ve endorsed Attorney James (Jay) McMahon. Jay has long resume as trial attorney at every level our State Court System and has practiced virtually all kinds of law in the Commonwealth. As well he has Military Law Enforcement experience. McMahon is a strong advocate for Law and Order, believes in cooperating and not thwarting Federal Immigration Authorities, is a strong advocate for 2nd Amendment rights. Jay McMahon also has a strong rehabilitation based plan to address the Opioid Crisis.

For United States Congress our Committee has endorsed John Hugo. Hugo is a working class candidate who is in touch with needs of the average person in the district. He advocates limited Constitutional Government. He ardently supports a Constitutional Amendment requiring a balance budget. As well, he believes in Term Limits, having pledged to serve no more than 3 terms in Congress if elected.

We have not endorsed a candidate in gubernatorial primary. We urge voters to choose the candidate they believe best represents the long-held conservative principles of the Republican Party. Those include, life, family, liberty, personal responsibility, respect for Constitution & the Rule of Law, as well as upward mobility for all who are willing to avail themselves of the blood bought freedom and opportunities offered in no other nation on the face of the earth.

Again, we urge everyone to get out and vote.


John DiMascio
Chairman WRTC

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