Watertown Cable Access TV provided the following announcement:
Do you have an idea for a TV show but the executives at CBS turned you down? Well guess what, WCA-TV won’t turn you down! Visit us at our open house on September 27th and October 16th to take a tour of our studio space, learn about what kind of video production workshops we’re offering, and learn about many other ways to get involved here at Watertown’s only cable access station.
We can get you started on everything you need to put together your own
television program. You’ll be able to meet with our staff, some of our volunteers, and board members. We’ll answer any questions you have! You’ll even have the chance to see a LIVE
production in action.
This open houses will coincide with Watertown High School’s back to school night
(Sept. 27) and the high school’s open house for middle school families (Oct. 16th).
After taking a tour of the school, come check us out! Light refreshments will be served and some WCA-TV swag will be available!
About WCA-TV
Since 2005, Watertown Cable Access Corp. (WCA-TV) has been Watertown’s
Public, Education, & Government Access (PEG) station. Our mission is to provide
local cable access to the residents of Watertown, MA.