The Watertown Senior Center has a many, many activities in March, including a workshop on renewing drivers licenses, flower arrangements and more
Press Releases from the Watertown COA/Senior Center Some of our MARCH 2019 events include:
The Registry of Motor Vehicles will offer a free workshop on license renewal and REAL ID for residents. Topics include:
· What is the difference between “Standard ID” and “Real ID” driver’s licenses and ID cards;
· How to renew a Massachusetts Driver’s License or Massachusetts Identification (ID) Card; and What are the new federal and state requirements for renewing a Driver’s License or ID card
Staff from State Senator William Brownsberger’s office will be on hand to issue NEW MBTA Senior and Transportation Access Pass (TAP) CharlieCards, and to help with questions regarding the MBTA’s automated fare collection system. New cards will be processed for first-time Seniors (65 + with proof of age). Your new card will arrive by mail. This service was arranged through the office of State Senator William Brownsberger. Thank you.
Planning on staying to have your CharlieCard renewed after the lecture? You can order a light lunch of half a sandwich and chips for $5.00 when you register for the Real ID lecture. Check with staff for choices.
What’s an eBOOK?
Did you know you can get ebooks & audiobooks for free from the library on your phone, tablet, or computer? Let us show you how! Paper books aren’t going anywhere, but there are some advantages to their digital counterparts:
· browse and borrow from the comfort of your home
· bring multiple books on vacation without taking up space in your suitcase
· sample titles in advance
· choose the text size of ebooks
· adjust the playback speed of audiobooks
Staff from the Watertown Free Public Library will go over the basics of enjoying library ebooks & audiobooks. If possible, please bring your device and your library card, and the passwords that go along with them. If you don’t have those things (or don’t know what they are!), don’t worry about it – you’re welcome to join us anyway.
DATE: Wednesday, March 13 TIME: 10:00 Pre-registration required. Light Refreshments.
Research Study with Northeastern University – MAINTAINING INDEPENDENCE
Join us to meet Dr. Valeria Ramdin of Northeastern University’s Department of Nursing and learn more about her research study about Seniors, Maintaining Independence and Self-Care Management.
When: Thursday, March 14 at 10:00 AM Call the Senior Center to Register. Refreshments!
Join us for when we welcome Spring with a beautiful flower arrangement. Ernie Berardinelli will provide everything you need to make something special for you.
DATE: Wednesday, March 27th TIME: 10 AM COST: $15.00 Pre-registration required.
Dealing with Changes in Vision – Robert McGillivray, Certified Low Vision Therapist – The Carroll Center for the Blind.
Many people are confused and frustrated by vision changes. Understanding how these changes affect how you see and function can help to reduce this anxiety. Bob McGillivray will review the different causes of and characteristics of visual changes and how low vision devices and techniques can improve the quality of one’s performance at work, school or home. Most individuals with vision problems have some ability to see, and with the proper assessment, devices and instruction, they can often accomplish tasks they thought would be impossible. DATE: Friday, March 29 TIME: 12:30 PM Light Refreshments Pre-registration Required
PAGE TO STAGE At the Senior Center March 28 – April 25, 2019 10:30—12:00 PM
Through a generous grant from the Marshall Home Fund, 15 seniors from Watertown are given the opportunity to take a 5-week class from New Repertory Theatre taught by Artistic Associate, Elena Morris for FREE. This will be in conjunction with the upcoming production of BECOMING DR. RUTH by Mark St. Germain. Participants will receive one FREE ticket to the show and one discounted ticket for a guest. Please email or call 617-923-7060 ext. 8213 to secure your spot.
Coming in April we will be having a morning filled with Armenian history, music, culture, and food. Join other Armenian speaking people in a comfortable setting. WHEN: Wednesday, April 10 ALL ARE WELCOME!
Wil VanDinter, Watertown Public Health Nurse, will be joining us on the FIRST Wednesday of each month from 10:00—11:00 for a blood pressure clinic. This month he is here March 6. He is also available to answer your health care questions. Stop by and say hi!
Public Safety Mornings
Tuesday, March 12 & 26 Coffee with Chief Lawn & Captain Dupuis
Thursday, March 28 Coffee with Captain William Maietta
If your Medicare plan won’t cover a drug or the co-pay is high, you have options. You can ask your doctor whether there are generic, over-the-counter, or less expensive brand-name drugs that could work as well as the ones you’re taking now. You can see if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to change to a different plan. You can also request a coverage determination called an “exception” if:
1. You think your plan should cover a drug that’s not on its formulary because the other treatment options on your plan’s formulary won’t work for you.
2. You believe your plan’s coverage rules, like prior authorization, should be waived.
3. You think your plan should charge a lower amount for a drug you’re taking on the plan’s non-preferred drug tier because you can’t take any of the other lower cost drugs for the same condition.
If you request an exception, your doctor will need to give a supporting statement to your plan explaining why you need the drug you’re requesting.
Call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490 to set up an appointment, or if you still need assistance in reviewing your coverage, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). You can also compare plans online at
New! Group for English for Speakers of Other Languages
Watertown has a long history of being a home for a diverse and vibrant immigrant community, and in my role as case worker, I have come to know and work with many seniors who are concerned that their differences in language and culture are leading to isolation. Such isolation, especially among older adults, can harm their emotional and physical well-being.
Last year, we started a weekly ESL class. We see the ESL group as another venue to support older members of our community who come from diverse backgrounds, including recent immigrants to the United States.
The ESL class is led by volunteer teachers, with extensive experience in teaching and multicultural communication. The session is an hour long, and is held at our Senior Center on Wednesdays at 2 pm. The curricula includes basic grammar, reading, and writing skills reinforcement. Our students are given the opportunity to share their cultural backgrounds, history of Watertown, politics, and many other topics of common interest.
Please call the Senior Center at (617) 972-6490 or email me at to register for the class.
Metro West Legal Services will be here on the third TUESDAY of each month by appointment. This month’s date is March 19th.Please call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490.
New Fitness Class!
Thursday Fit with Joanna G. at 11:00 AM. This Class will run for 8 weeks starting February 28—April 18.
Watertown Food Pantry 80 Mount Auburn Street—Rear. OPEN: Tuesdays 10-11:30 AM Thursdays 4-6:00 PM
FOOD PANTRY REQUESTS – Canned Soup, Pasta Sauce, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cold Cereal, Canned Vegetables, Tuna Fish, Chick Peas, and Cooking Oil.
March 6: Blood Pressure at 10:00 by Wat. Health Dept. Nurse, Wil VanDinter
March 21: Podiatry Clinic at 11:00 AM. Toenails, corns, calluses only. The cost for this service is $25.00 payable to Dr. Alper. Insurance is not accepted..
March 28: Blood Pressure Screening at 10:00 by Linda Micklay, R.N. from CareGroup Home Care. Free.
Please help keep the Senior Center Healthy for All by staying at home if you feel sick or have flu-like symptoms. We hope you will rest up and we will be seeing you soon! Thank you!
WHEN: Wednesday, March 20 at 9:30. WHERE: Senior Center, 31 Marshall St. Join us to discuss: The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan. Copies of the book are available at the Watertown Free Public Library. At the height of World War II, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was home to 75,000 residents, many of them young women from small towns across the U.S., and consumed more electricity than New York City, yet it was shrouded in such secrecy that it did not appear on any map. Thousands of civilians, were recruited to this secret city, enticed by the promise of solid wages and war-ending work. What were they actually doing there? Very few knew. The purpose of this mysterious government project was kept a secret from the outside world. The women who kept this town running would find out at the end of the war, when Oak Ridge’s secret was revealed and changed the world forever. The Girls of Atomic City rescues a remarkable, forgotten chapter of World War II from obscurity. New members are always welcome!
3/7 Breathe: This spirit-lifting biodrama tells the story of Robin Cavendish, whose charmed and colorful life suddenly darkens when he’s paralyzed by polio. Rather than become imprisoned by his disability, however, Robin and his wife decide to tour the world.
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Claire Foy, Tom Hollander 2017 PF-13 117 mins.
3/14 Miracle: Focused on achieving the impossible — defeating the Soviet Union’s unbeaten hockey team at the 1980 Winter Olympics — brash U.S. hockey coach Herb Brooks unites a motley group of college athletes and turns them into a force to be reckoned with. Cast: Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, Noah Emmerich 2004 PG 136 mins.
3/21 Tea With The Dames: Acclaimed actresses Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Eileen Atkins — all Dames of the British Empire — gather for a captivating conversation that includes reminiscences, gossip and untold tales about their stage and film careers.Cast: Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright 2018 NR 81 mins.
3/28 Pete’s Dragon: When a mysterious 10-year-old boy, Pete, turns up claiming to live in the woods with a giant green dragon, it’s up to a forest ranger, Grace, and the young Natalie to learn where the boy came from, where he belongs, and the truth about this magical dragon. Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard, Oakes Fegley 2016 PG 103 mins.
Please remember to use your My Senior Center key tag and check-in at the kiosk when you enter the building. Your record of attendance helps us to manage our programs and space effectively. If you don’t have a key tag, please ask at the Front Desk to register. It’s free! Thank you!
TRANSPORTATION for WATERTOWN SENIORS – Call the Senior Center at (617) 972-6490 for more information. GROCERY SHOPPING, TRIPS TO TARGET, MARSHALLS, WATERTOWN & ARSENAL MALLS Via the Watertown Senior Shuttle (617) 972-6490.
Call the Senior Center to be added to the route if you are new or need to change from your scheduled day. The Shuttle will pick you up and return you to your home. Approximately 1 hour of shopping time. Suggested donation is $1.00 Round Trip. 3 BAG LIMIT! Please show the driver your My Senior Center Key Tag. Applications available on the Senior Shuttle.
(617) 972-6490 – We want to see you at the Senior Center! Call us! Program available as funding permits.
TO LOCAL DOCTORS – (617) 972-6490 – Call the Senior Center 2 days in advance to schedule your taxi ride.
You may tip the driver at your discretion. A spouse, friend, or companion may accompany you at no extra charge. Program available as funding permits.
Have you thought about taking the MBTA Ride? For eligibility contact: THE RIDE – 617-337-2727
¨ Metrowest Legal Services Clinic – Call to schedule a 20 minute appointment with the attorney
¨ Watertown Food Pantry at 80 Mount Auburn Street, Rear– Tuesdays 10-11:30 and Thursdays 4-6
¨ How Do I Use This Thing? iPhone and Computer Help at the Senior Center
¨ Senior Parking Permits – for up to 2 free hours of metered parking in Watertown’s municipal parking lots
See Calendar on Page 7 for Dates and Times
Art Class — Mondays at 9:30 AM – Bring your own art project (oil, watercolor, pencil or ink) to this open studio.
Bridge/Chess/Cribbage/Rummikub/Whist/Canasta—See Calendar for Dates and Times – Bring your skills to any of these groups. Drop in and join in the afternoon fun.
Knitting—Wednesdays at 12:30 PM – Working on a project or need a little help? Stop in for an afternoon of creative work and conversation.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) – Wednesdays at 2:00 PM – Explore history and culture while learning the English language with this group.
Mellowtones Choral Group—Fridays – Love to sing? This co-ed group led by music director Anne Silverman will put a song in your heart! All welcome. Fridays at 12:30 PM.
BINGO! Fridays at 10:00 AM for BINGO fun.
$3 for each Exercise or Yoga class. $4 for Line Dancing.
Audio or Video Tape classes are Free. Each class lasts one hour.
In the absence of an instructor, the Senior Center reserves the right to substitute an instructor, offer a pre-recorded program, or cancel the class.
MONDAYS: 11:00 – Exercise with Shannon / or Video Tape
TUESDAYS: 9:30 – Exercise with Joanna G 11:15 – Line Dancing with Manny
WEDNESDAYS: 11:00 – Mat Yoga with Sue G. (Please bring your own mat.)
THURSDAYS: 9:30 – Chair Yoga with Diane S. 11:00 – Exercise by Video Tape
FRIDAYS: 10:40 – Exercise with Henry O. 12:30 – Tai Chi with Marie 2:15 – Seated Strength with Pearl
If Watertown public schools are cancelled for inclement weather, all Senior Center programs, and shopping bus runs, are cancelled.
If school opening is delayed, the morning shopping bus run is cancelled, and Senior Center programs may be cancelled at the instructor’s discretion, so call before coming over. Staff members will be available during regular business hours.
School cancellation information is broadcast on local cable, radio & TV.
Remember, safety is your first priority. Use your own good judgment to decide if you should go out in bad weather. Questions? Call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490.