Find Out About Trees and Climate Change at Program in Watertown

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The following information was provided by the event organizers:

Is planting trees in city streets and backyards a good way to help manage the damaging effects of climate change?

The answer is an emphatic “Yes!,” according to organizers of “Trees and Climate Change in Watertown,” a free informational program that will be held on Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m.-12 noon, at the Watertown Public Library.

Sponsored by the Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee and co-sponsored by Trees for Watertown and Watertown Faces Climate Change, this community event will focus on the important role trees play in keeping a city healthy, and how citizens and Watertown can work together to improve Watertown’s urban forest.

Topics will include:

  • How trees reduce the effects of heat and severe weather and protect our health and environment
  • What trees to plant: tree species that will do best in our changing climate
  • The state of Watertown’s urban forest, and city plans for its growth and care
  • Advice on tree-planting and care, including how to get help in organizing a neighborhood tree-planting party, how to join the Citizens Pruning Corps, and how to request a new street tree to be planted by Watertown

Speakers will include:

  • Chris Hayward, Watertown’s Forestry Supervisor and Tree Warden
  • Jennifer Hushaw Shakun, Applied Forestry Scientist at Manomet: “Our Urban Forests in a Warming World”
  • David Meshoulam and teen participants from Trees for Watertown’s Teens for Trees Program
  • Libby Shaw, President of Trees for Watertown

There will also be information tables where community members can connect with a variety of groups working on enhancing, protecting and enjoying Watertown’s natural environment.

This program will take place in the Watertown Savings Bank Room, Watertown Public Library, 123 Main St, Watertown.

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