Get a Massage and Help Doctors Without Borders in Yemen

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The following announcement came from the event organizers:

It started with a desire to help the people of Yemen who according to
the United Nations, are currently enduring the worst humanitarian
crisis on the planet.  From there it grew into a collaborative effort
revealing the true kindness and common humanity of the people of

Six local massage therapists and Reiki practitioners have come together to donate their therapeutic skills to host a fundraiser called MASSAGE AID FOR YEMEN with all the proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders earmarked for Yemen.

The First Parish Church of Watertown has graciously donated the space.  Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment, World In Watertown and The Survival Education Fund, Inc.  are co-sponsoring the event and helping to advertise it through their newsletters, social medial accounts and at their events.

Many local small businesses, churches and non-profits have enthusiastically agreed to post fliers for the event in their windows or on their community bulletin boards and Trader Joe’s in Allston has generously offered to donate food for the event.

There are many heartwarming stories about the response this event is
generating throughout Watertown. These two vignettes are just a small
sample. Four students at the Lower School at Perkins School for the Blind were paid the going rate of 75 cents for small jobs around the school to
distribute Massage Aid for Yemen fliers on each floor of the school.
One student became the first contributor to the fundraiser by donating
her pay of 75 cents when she learned more about the cause. The
secretary at United Cerebral Palsy on North Beacon Street was so
enthusiastic about the event, she offered to scan the flier and send
it out to all of their group homes!

Please join us on Sunday, May 5th and do something good for the people of Yemen while doing something good for yourself at this relaxing fundraiser. Event details are below:

WHEN: Sunday, May 5 from 2-5 p.m.

WHERE: First Parish Church of Watertown, 35 Church St.

FEE: $20 cash or check for a 15 minute chair, clothed sports table, or reiki session

In order to avoid waiting, please book your session by email: and let us know what time(s) you would like and what kind of service you would like. Please arrive 5 minutes before your
scheduled session.

 Descriptions of the services are as follows:

• CHAIR MASSAGE – Beneficial for anyone. Focus on head, neck,
shoulders, back and time permitting arms and hands.

• REIKI – Beneficial for anyone. A gentle, Japanese energy healing technique that heals the body & mind by restoring the body back to its natural balance. Offered on a massage table or in a chair.

• CLOTHED SPORTS TABLE MASSAGE – Beneficial for walkers, runners,
hikers, bicyclists & dancers. Please wear shorts or sweat pants. Focus
on the muscles of the legs, hamstrings, quads, gastrocs and IT bands.

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