The Watertown Police provided the following information:
The Eastern Middlesex County Gun Buy-Back will be held in Watertown
on Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
The event will be at First Parish Church (35 Church St.)
Make our communities even safer by disposing of any unwanted guns!
No ID’s will be requested, no questions asked.
You’ll receive a gift card for each firearm you turn in and help reduce the risk of suicide, accidental discharge, and domestic violence.
Bring firearms unloaded with the safety engaged in a bag, box, or case. Leave the unloaded firearms inside the trunk of your vehicle upon arrival. The Middlesex Sheriff’s Office and Massachusetts State Police will safely destroy all guns.
For further information please visit www.middlesexsheriff.org.
Any chance that people who use guns for committing crimes will turn them in? No, I didn’t think so. They have gun buy-backs every year in Boston and yet there is a murder by handgun every week in the city, well, the same parts of the city.
At the very least, the buyback will result in fewer guns available for suicides and gun accidents. The availability of a gun increases the likelihood of a suicide by gun. The same, of course, for accidental shootings.
I also think that it is reasonable to believe that the buyback would have some impact on the numbers of shootings by reducing the number of guns available. No, hardened criminals are not likely to turn in their guns. But the buyback may limit the access of borderline criminals to guns. I doubt the police would bother if they didn’t think there was a benefit.
One less AR-15 kicking around Watertown? That’s good by me.