Temporary Change to Access Road to Arsenal Park, Harvard Vanguard

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The blue lines show the temporary traffic flow through Arsenal Yards to Arsenal Park and Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates. Arsenal Park is in the upper right corner of the illustration.

The blue lines show the temporary traffic flow through Arsenal Yards to Arsenal Park and Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates. Arsenal Park is in the upper right corner of the illustration.

The following information was provided by Boylston Properties:

Starting July 1, Boylston Properties, the developer of Arsenal Yards, will make temporary changes to the access road for Arsenal Park and Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates (HVMA) to accommodate the next construction phase.

Park Drive, the current one-way road accessing Arsenal Park and HVMA, will remain open during the 2-week construction period to build the temporary access road. The temporary road will provide 2-way traffic access with a right-in entrance from Arsenal Street and exiting via a right turn only onto Arsenal Street.

During the construction period, July 1 – 15, the Arsenal Street sidewalk will be closed between Arsenal Way and Park Drive. Pedestrian access will be redirected to the opposite sidewalk on the northside of Arsenal Street; with pedestrian crossings at the intersections of Arsenal Way and Arsenal Yards main entrance.

Upon completion of the temporary road, vehicles can access both Arsenal Park and HVMA directly. Pedestrians will be directed to follow the sidewalks to the Arsenal Yards main entrance, then onto the Bond Street sidewalks along the new garage, turning right onto Arsenal Yards Boulevard at corner of Bond Street and parking garage and onto the Arsenal Park entrance.

For more information, please refer to the Arsenal Yards website: www.arsenalyards.com

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