The following announcement came from the Committee on Media and Public Outreach Committee:
The public is invited to the Community Engagement Project Meeting with the Town Council’s Committee on Media and Public Outreach Committee.
How do residents engage with town government? What tools do they use? What tools would they like to see expanded or developed? What do they see as major opportunities and challenges to increase community engagement? What are their priorities and recommendations?
These are some of the questions that we will answer at a public meeting of the Town Council’s Committee on Media and Public Outreach on Wednesday, October 23. The Committee, in cooperation with Watertown Community Conversations, initiated a Community Engagement Project that included 18 Kitchen Table Conversations held from July through September.
We have learned a lot from the 134 participants who attended the Kitchen Table Conversations and we are eager to share the news. Most importantly, we want to know what you think! Please join us for an evening of thoughtful discussion and sharing.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 23, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Watertown Middle School, 68 Waverley Avenue
We encourage you to arrive at 6:45 for light refreshments. The Committee meeting will formally begin at 7 p.m. If you have any questions please contact Councilor Tony Palomba at 781-664-3525 or at apalomba@watertown-ma.gov.