2 thoughts on “Watertown Granted Money to Teach Fire Safety to Students & Seniors

  1. I don’t mean to be rude, but why is the state spending more on teaching the elderly fire safety compared to children? When children die in a fire, far more potential years of life are lost. Also, it’s important to teach the lessons early so they last. And the elderly aren’t able to have kids anyway (and waste trillions on health costs), so what’s the point in keeping them safe? Either way, fire safety is crucial for everyone and I’m glad.

  2. Paula, ?????? Do you have any idea what a horrible statement you wrote? The elderly don’t matter?? They are a waste of healthcare costs and are valueless and expendable?? Who the hell do you think worked their entire lives to build and defend the country and the freedoms that you and your precious little ones enjoy? You were not raised right!! You have NO respect for those with far more wisdom and have given more than you will ever have!! This can’t be a legitimate post and your interpretation of the facts in the article are incorrect.

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