Recipes Wanted for Middle School PTO’s International Cookbook

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The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Middle School PTO:

We Want Your Recipes! For Watertown Middle School’s International Cookbook

The Watertown Middle School PTO is embarking on a very ambitious fundraising effort and we need your help. The vision is to create a cookbook that will celebrate the cultural diversity that is Watertown. Food is a wonderful way to bring people together! Sharing recipes is just one way to understand the heritage of our friends, neighbors and our community.

We would love to have recipes that represent the multitude of nationalities in Watertown. We want those recipes that you make on a special occasion as well as the tried and true family favorites. Recipes can come from grandparents, neighbors, students, etc. From appetizers to desserts — we are looking for dishes that celebrate every cuisine of Watertown.

Our goal is to gather at least 100 recipes by March 20th and have the cookbook ready for purchase by June 1st. We can only do this with your help! Submit a recipe today; the best way to submit a recipe is via email (see info below) or, mail to: Watertown Middle School PTO, 68 Waverley Ave., Watertown, MA 02472,

Lorena Moynihan at or Gina Brennan at


  • Include your name, contact information, affiliation you would like (e.g., teacher at Lowell School, Fireman, Librarian, 6th grade student at MS, parent/grandparent etc). Your name will appear with the recipe.
  • Optional: add a few lines about the recipe; where is it from? Is it a special occasion dish? Tips for serving or preparing
  • Check your recipe for accuracy (illegible or inaccurate recipes can result in mistakes)
  • Tell us what category the recipe should go in e.g., appetizer, main, vegetable, soup/salad, dessert, bread/rolls, misc..
  • Please help us spread the word throughout our town. The more recipes the better!
  • As always, we are looking for a committee of volunteers to help create the cookbook. Please reach out to Gina Brennan at or 617-957-1738 if you are able to help.

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