The Watertown Free Public Library sent out the following information:
As directed by Town Manager Michael Driscoll, the Watertown Free Public Library will remain closed to the public until Monday, May 18th to help minimize the spread of COVID-19. This extends the Library’s previous closure period by two weeks.
Do you need help accessing WFPL’s (newly expanded) digital library? The Reference Department has created simple video tutorials to introduce our most popular digital services and help you set up an account, step by step: watertownlib.org/eLibTutorials
While the Library is closed, WFPL will continue to offer virtual programs for children, teens, and adults. Here’s what’s coming up for the week of May 4 – May 10:
May 1 – 30 | Can you get bingo on our spring-themed outdoor scavenger hunt? Post your bingo board on social media and be sure to tag WFPL! Download the Springo board here: bit.ly/SpringoWFPL
Monday Moments (via Facebook Live)
Mondays, May 4-18 | 11 AM | Join the Children’s Department for a moment! We’ll show you a quick craft, an easy at-home activity, or try to inspire your day another way. Tune in at facebook.com/watertownfpl
Story Time (via Facebook Live)
Mondays at 10 am with Kathleen | Tuesdays at 10:30 am with Emily | Thursdays at 11 am with Kazia | Tune in at facebook.com/watertownfpl
Lunch Bunch Book Group (via Facebook Live)
Mondays and Thursdays | 12 PM | Children’s Librarians will read aloud from The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. This title is available without waiting via the Hoopla app. If you need to catch up, all of the previous videos are available online: facebook.com/watertownfpl/live
Children’s Baking with Emily: Secret Ingredient Chocolate Cake! (via Zoom)
Wednesday, May 6 | 12 pm | Check out the recipe and register here: bit.ly/ChocCakeMay6
Story Time Video Library
For stories and sing-alongs that you can watch anytime at home, head to: watertownlib.org/storyvids
My True Story: Writing Contest for Teens
How has your life changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to submit prose works of 600 to 2,500 words to be judged by a panel of WFPL staff. Finalists in middle and high school categories will win Amazon gift cards! Learn more: watertownlib.org/mytruestory
Prisoner of Cell 25 Book Discussion Group (via Zoom)
Wednesday, 5/6 | 3:30 PM | Recommended for grades 6-12. This audiobook is available in the Hoopla app, free with your Library card. Register: bit.ly/Cell25grpMay6
Upcoming Book Groups: On May 13, we’ll talk about Renegades by Marissa Meyer. Learn more: watertownlib.org/teenbookgroups
Introducing Acorn TV and Qello Concerts (Zoom Class)
Monday, 5/4 | 2 PM | Learn how to stream British TV shows and concerts in every genre of music, using the Library’s newest streaming services. Register: bit.ly/AcornQelloMay4
Community Yoga (via Zoom)
Every Wednesday | 9:15 AM | To join the class, head to: bit.ly/YogaWFPL
Wednesday Book Group (via Zoom)
Wednesday 5/6 | 7 PM | Join WFPL’s monthly book discussion group for adults. Discussions are informal and generally based on personal reactions, not academic analysis. On 5/6, we’ll be discussing Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Register: bit.ly/WedGrpMay6
Free Tools for Managing Your Website (Zoom Class)
Thursday, 5/7 | 10 AM | From finding a domain name, to troubleshooting a slow page, to creating attractive social media posts, website expert Ken Gagne will introduce you to free online tools that will help you set up your website and keep it running. Requirements: Zoom and a web browser. Register: bit.ly/WebsiteToolsMay7
Craft Corner: Mexican Yarn Art (Zoom class)
Friday, 5/8 | 10 AM | Celebrate Cinco de Mayo (a few days late) and learn how to create paintings with yarn. Check out the supply list and register via Zoom: bit.ly/MexicanYarnMay8
Tech Talk (via Zoom)
Saturday, 5/9 | 2 PM | Join us for an hour-long tech session with short demos of library resources and Q&A time for any of your technology needs. Requirements: Zoom and a web browser. Register: bit.ly/TechTalkMay9
Write Your History: Coronavirus Diaries Writing Program (Morning Zoom Class)
Mondays 5/11, 6/1, 6/15, 6/29 | 11 AM | Join us for a weekly series of writing workshops to help you record your experiences of this unprecedented time. If you’re willing, the Library will collect these accounts and maintain them as part of our Local History Collection. This workshop is offered as part of The COVID-19 Collective Memory Initiative. Register: bit.ly/DiariesMorning
eBooks/eAudiobooks with Overdrive (Zoom Class)
Monday, 5/11 | 2 PM | Learn to use OverDrive to access the vast selection of eBooks and eAudiobooks available for free from the library. Register: bit.ly/OverdriveMay11
Knit Faster: English and Continental Knitting (via Zoom)
Monday, 5/11 | 4 PM | This class will focus on the difference between Continental and English Knitting. Bring your current knitting project, or yarn and needles to learn. Register: bit.ly/KnitFasterMay11
Presentation Folder (Zoom Demo)
Friday, 5/1 | 2 PM | Learn how to make a presentation folder! Perfect for holding diplomas, special photos and other keepsakes. Register: bit.ly/PresFolderMay1
Maker Questions (Discussion via Zoom)
Tuesday, 5/6 | 4pm | Join the Hatch Coordinator, Liz, and the Hatch Assistant, Yi Bin, to ask all your maker questions. Registration is not required. Join us via Zoom: bit.ly/MakerQsApr28
Home DIY – Basic Furniture Repair (Zoom Demo)
Wednesday, 5/6 | 2pm | This week we’ll be covering the basics of fixing and refinishing wood furniture. We’ll talk about different kinds of wood, sanding, sealing, filling, fixing joints, and the best tools and products for the job. We’ll also cover basic safety and when to call in a professional. Bring your questions and projects! Register: bit.ly/HomeDIYMay6
Link Stitch Binding (Zoom Demo)
Friday, 5/8 | 2 PM | Learn how to make a simple non-adhesive binding! This is a great introduction to sewing multiple signatures into a book. Register: bit.ly/LinkStitchMay8