The Watertown Library sent out the following announcement:
How do you throw a summer reading kick-off party in the age of social distancing? The Watertown Free Public Library has hit on a fun solution: it’s the first-ever Summer Reading Drive-Thru!
On Tuesday, June 16, you’re invited drive (or walk) to the Library and pick up summer reading booklists, bingo boards, and more for children and teens. WFPL librarians will be stationed in the parking lot handing out grab bags to take home. There will be music, there will be balloons … so bring the kids along for the ride.
The Summer Reading Drive-Thru will run from 9 am to 4 pm on June 16. To attend, simply enter the Library parking lot from John “Sonny” Whooly Way, and proceed towards Saltonstall Park. Library staff will place a grab bag of items in your trunk. There will be a walk-up station available for families who walk, bike, or take the bus.
This year, the Library is offering a summer reading bingo game for grades K – 5 and a reading challenge for grades 6-12. Families with young children are encouraged to begin the Library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. For adults, a summer reading bingo game full of book recommendations and summer activities will be available in late June.
Even if you can’t make the Drive-Thru, it’s easy to participate in summer reading from home. Bingo boards, booklists, and more information is available on the Library’s website. Head to watertownlib.org/summerreading to get started.
About WFPL: The Watertown Free Public Library provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. WFPL works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. watertownlib.org