For the 30th time, the Watertown Police Department will be hosting the Watertown Citizens Police Academy.
Watertown Police Chief Michael Lawn sent out the following information:
10 WEEK PROGRAM – Fall 2020
WHERE: Watertown Police Station
WHEN: Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m.
WHAT: Watertown Police Officers share and exchange information designed to educate residents with police operations, policies & procedures and community policing programs of the police department.
Constitutional Law, Motor Vehicle Law, Community Policing/Programs, K-9
Unit, Use of Force, Domestic Violence, Patrol Procedures, ALICE, Defensive
Tactics & Courtroom Procedures, Crime Scene Investigation, Narcotic
Enforcement and a discussion relative to the President’s Task Force on 21st
Century Policing.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in ride-alongs with officers on patrol and tour the police station.
** For Application information contact Judy Patenaude at 617-972-9537 or email jpatenaude@police.watertown-ma.gov.**