The following information was provided by MassBay Community College:
MassBay Community College will add five online and remotely-formatted courses this summer to be offered for high school students, exclusively. The six-week courses start on July 6, 2020 and include Entrepreneurship, Principles of Management, Creative Writing, Drugs and Society, and Security Awareness (course descriptions are below). High school students can also enroll in other MassBay courses.
“Due to the coronavirus, many high school students and their families have been contacting us to enroll in summer classes as they face limited job prospects, many uncertainties, and an empty summer calendar. Taking one or more college-level courses over the summer is great way for high school students to jumpstart their college education,” said Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management, Alison McCarty. “This September, students from across Massachusetts will have been out of the classroom for six months, so by taking classes at MassBay over the summer, they have an opportunity to stay engaged in their studies at an affordable price, earn college credits, and possibly find a career path that interests them. We hope by adding classes specifically for the high school population, MassBay can introduce them to college-level course work, as well as prepare them for their academic future.”
Here are brief course descriptions:
The Entrepreneurship course prepares students to develop business ideas and plans to start, develop, finance, market, manage, and launch a new business. This course gives students the skills and knowledge they need to master the requirements of all the stages of launching a new business and the opportunity to build and implement a new business.
The Principles of Management course integrates traditional and behavioral approaches to management including the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Students will learn decision-making, leadership, communication, coordination, delegation, and about authority and responsibility relationships.
The Creative Writing course gives students the opportunity to analyze and experiment in a number of creative writing genres, which may include creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama, among others. The class will read and discuss the work of various writers and will participate in exercises designed to generate and compose original material.
The Drugs and Society course examines the history of drugs in American culture. Topics may include the social, economic, legal, medical, and other issues concerning drug use and abuse; the causes of drug use and abuse; and the impact of drugs on the individual and society.
The Security Awareness computer science course provides a basic survey of data, computer, internet, and wireless security. The security principles—confidentiality, integrity, and availability—are introduced to students as well as the threats and attacks that undermine these principals.
High school students interested in taking a summer course can view the class offerings here
www.massbay.edu/summer-for-high-school-students or contact MassBay’s Admissions office at 781-239-2500 or admissions@massbay.edu.
To learn more about MassBay visit www.massbay.edu