2 thoughts on “Find Out About Early Voting, Mail In Ballot Drop Offs & Who’s Running

  1. Since a ballot can be mailed in, how do you know that the person who filled it out and mailed it is actually the voter?

    At least if a voter shows up at the polls, that is some show of legitimacy.

    If you got an absentee ballot, at least that means you either requested it or showed up at town hall to fill it out.

    If a parent recieves a ballot for a child away at college or on vacation, how can you be sure that the child is the one who filled it out?

    How would you ever find out? You wouldn’t.

    How do we know that a parent won’t pressure a child or spouse into voting a certain way? After all, a home is not the same as a private polling booth, is it?

    Many questions, no answers.

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