A lifelong Democrat, I have lived in Watertown and Cambridge for nearly 20 years. My wife Pia and I now live in East Watertown with our two sons who attend Watertown public schools. For twelve years, I served as chair of the Watertown Democratic Town Committee, fighting for progressive causes and candidates at the local, state and federal levels. Professionally, I am a transportation consultant who uses data to help state departments of
transportation, railroads and trucking companies make infrastructure decisions. I have advocated for better public transportation as a member of the Watertown Transportation Task Force.
Q & A
The State Legislature deals with so many issues, so what would be your top three issues if you are elected?
Passing environmental legislation to fight climate change is my top priority. We need to transition from fossil fuels and towards 100% clean and renewable energy while investing in green jobs here in Massachusetts. We must anchor our transportation policy in climate sustainability and equity. We can reduce traffic and emissions with infrastructure designed for motorists, transit riders, cyclists and pedestrians alike. Let’s find incentives for electric vehicles and encourage public transportation by making it safe, clean, reliable and affordable. We also must tackle housing affordability. When people cannot afford to live near job centers it results in longer commutes, more traffic and worse environmental outcomes.
What experience do you have that would help you as a State Representative?
As a member of the Democratic State Committee since 2016, I have worked closely with both grassroots activists and legislators. These relationships will help me work to form coalitions and pass legislation for the benefit of our district. My ability to work with people to effectively push for change has earned me the endorsement of current Representative Jonathan Hecht and councilors from both Watertown and Cambridge. They know I can deliver results that benefit of our communities. As a transportation professional, I bring expertise to draft the Commonwealth’s essential infrastructure, climate and transit policy.
When you speak to voters during your campaign, what issue most concerns them?
Every voter I speak with is deeply concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. People are worried about their future and the safety of their families. As our two children prepare to return to school in the Fall, I understand the strain many families are under to ensure that their children receive a safe and quality education during this public health crisis. I will be guided by science-based public health as the Commonwealth continues to respond to COVID. Our essential workers have played a heroic role and I believe we should recognize their contributions of by ensuring they receive hazard pay and that we all do our part by following public health guidelines.
How would you make sure that you are in contact and communication with constituents? How would someone with a question or issue get in touch with you?
As a candidate, I can be easily reached on my cell (617-299-6982) and with my email steve@votesteveowens.com. I have made sure that voters know my positions on issues by including them on my website. If elected State Representative, I will remain as easily available as I have been as a candidate and as a civic volunteer in my community for the last 20 years. During my campaign I have attended events in both Watertown and Cambridge and would continue to do so as State Representative. I believe that transparency is essential for voters to hold elected officials accountable and to increase trust in government. I will make sure that constituents always know where I stand.
Outside of politics, tell us something that people may be interested in knowing about you.
My family and I love the outdoors. I am an Eagle Scout and am active in my son’s Cub Scout Pack. We have made it a priority to visit as many National Parks and other public lands as possible to encourage our children to share our love of nature and the value of environmental stewardship. We keep track and record our family travels on a map in our home. My commitment to the environment has earned me the support of the Sierra Club and the Environmental League of Massachusetts among other organizations.