Photography Exhibit Library Features Images from the New England Coast

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Joseph Weiler

One of the photos that will be in Joseph Weiler's exhibit at the Watertown Library, "Bluenose II."

One of the photos that will be in Joseph Weiler’s exhibit at the Watertown Library, “Bluenose II.”

The work of Watertown photographer Joseph Weiler will on display at the Watertown Free Public Library in October. The exhibition features photos from around the New England Coast.

Weiler sent out the following information about the exhibition:

My exhibit will be at the Watertown Public Library’s Art Gallery from October 2 thru 30, 2020.

The 21-framed photographs explore our coastline from Monhegan Island’s artists to Cape Cod’s lovely beaches. Gloucester’s antique fishing schooners are shown in their yearly race. The captions explore the issues of building fuel efficient fishing boats, overfishing and Global Warming.

“The Perfect Cape Cod Beach,” by Joseph Weiler.

The last frame quotes Greta Thunberg’s book, No One is Too Small to Make a Difference, which pleads for us to reduce Carbon dioxide emissions to slow Global Warming. If we do not decrease Carbon dioxide emissions we may get to see the rising water level caused by Global Warming submerge Cape Cod’s beaches.

I have explored the New England Coast, using my eyes & camera for 70 years. I work with 35mm film Nikon cameras and processes my own black & white film and gelatin silver prints.

My photographs have been exhibited widely, including Faces of Afghanistan at the Berkshire Museum. I studied photography at Rochester Institute of Technology, journalism at Syracuse University and fine-art photography with Minor White. My experience running the Weiler Photo Gallery, located on a dock over Smith Cove Gloucester, for 25-years allowed many opportunities to photograph the coast up close.

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