Virtual Offerings from the Watertown Senior Center

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Town of Watertown

Watertown Senior Center

Watertown Senior Center

The following information was provided by the Watertown Senior Center:

Programs for Week of October 26, 2020

Join us via Zoom for the following programs. Call for access info: (617) 972-6490.

New participants always welcome in every program! We hope you’ll join us!

Monday:      10:00 AM, Art with Dawn Scaltreto
                     12:30 PM, Chair Yoga with Diane

Tuesday:     10:00 AM, Coffee with the Chiefs
                     12:30 PM, Tai Chi and Meditation
                       2:00 PM, Line Dancing with Bradley

Wednesday:   11:00 AM, Exercise with Joanna
Thursday:         9:00 AM, Pilates
                        10:30 AM, Talk with Tom

Friday:            10:00 AM, Cook with Us! Armenian Cuisine, Part 2
                        12:00 PM, Seated Strength with Pearl
                          1:30 PM, Mellowtones Chorus

Cook with Us, Part 2!

Friday, October 30 at 10:00 AM

Easy and fun! Join us for Part 2 as our friend Naire shows us how easy it is to make Armenian Flour Halva. See page 6 in the newsletter for what you’ll need to make this delicious treat.

Enjoy the Halloween Weekend!

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