The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:
Snowshoes, KitchenAid Stand Mixer, power washer — these items have nothing in common except that they are all things you can now check out with your library card.
On January 6 the Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) launched a new collection of non-traditional library materials known as the Library of Things and they’re waiting to be used.
“A Library of Things is not uncommon in public libraries and there are so many reasons we’re excited to now offer our own collection” says Katie Kottas who is in charge of Circulation and Access Services.
Of course it is fun, but it’s also economical. A lot of people don’t need or want to purchase items they may only use once or twice. Add city living to the mix and storage becomes an issue. With the Library of Things, you can reserve an item for the time you need and then return it when you’re done.
“In some ways it’s an extension of WFPL’s makerspace, Hatch, located at 20 Summer St. We created that in part because many people can’t afford the expensive tools and equipment we offer at Hatch, but still want to use them or at least try them out before making a hefty purchase. The Library of Things makes that same assumption” says Hatch Coordinator Liz Helfer.
At the launch there were about two dozen Things available to check out including a circular saw, bird watching kit, and white noise machine and WFPL staff intend to continue to build the collection.
Anyone with a valid Minuteman Library card is eligible to use this collection. Unlike the standard library collection, items are reserved in advance for a seven day period. For more information about this new
collection visit https://watertownlib.org/things or call 617-972-6431.
About WFPL
The Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural, and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. Our Library works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. For more information, visit watertownlib.orghttp://watertownlib.org.