The following information was provided by the Watertown Senior Center:
Programs for Week of February 15, 2021
Join us via Zoom for the following programs. Call for access info: (617) 972-6490. New participants always welcome in every program! We hope you’ll join us!
Presidents’ Day~Senior Center Closed~No Programs
10:00 AM, Reader’s Advisory with WFPL’s Emily Levine
12:30 PM, Tai Chi & Meditation with Marie
2:00 PM, Line Dancing with Bradley
11:00 AM, Exercise with Joanna
2:00 PM, Zoom Tour Part 2 of Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
9:00 AM, Pilates with Marina Z.
10:30 AM, Talk with Tom: Coffee & Casual Conversation
12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Grab-n-Go pickup for those who pre-registered
2:00 PM, “Love Songs of Valentine’s Day” with John Clark, American Music Experience
10:00 AM, Exercise with Shannon Lee Jones
12:00 PM, Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl
1:00 PM, New! Weight Management with Pearl ~ see the newsletter for details.
NEW TIME! 2:45 PM, Mellowtones Chorus with Anne Silverman
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
COVID-19 vaccines are on everyone’s minds right now and there are many questions about how to get a vaccine. Please know the vaccines are free, and although you will need to provide some registration and insurance information, you will never be asked for a fee, your credit card, your Social Security number or your Driver’s License number. If so, you are on the wrong website or hang up if someone calls for that information. New vaccine sites are being added every day.
The 2-1-1 Hotline
The Governor has opened a phone line 2-1-1 to help those 75 and older schedule appointments who do not have access to a computer. It is staffed Monday—Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The Governor has also made it possible for an individual who accompanies a person age 75 or older to one of the four large mass vaccination sites (Fenway Park, Gillette Stadium, the DoubleTree in Danvers and the Eastfield Mall in Springfield) to receive the vaccine too. An appointment for both people must be booked. More information can be found by calling 2-1-1 or by going to https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-vaccinations-for-people-ages-75-and-older
Watertown Health Department
The Watertown Health Department is scheduling local clinics as the department receives vaccines. Please call the Senior Center for more information and assistance as they become available. We are here to help.
I am a Veteran, is there another way to get a vaccine appointment?
The VA has been reaching out to Veterans, but please call your VA provider or Patrick George, Watertown’s VSO at (617) 972-6416 for information about the VA Health System and what they are providing to Veterans who meet specific criteria.
So, where do I go online?
Information on the Commonwealth’s vaccination sites, eligibility, and registration information can be found at https://www.mass.gov/covid-19-vaccine.
And Please Remember!
We are still in a pandemic! Keep your distance from others. Wear your masks and wash your hands. The vaccine is 2 doses, spread weeks apart. We must keep vigilant about keeping ourselves and others safe. We’re in this together.
Senior Shuttle Bus Update
The Watertown Senior Shuttle Bus is back on the road for grocery
shopping. Due to COVID-19, the bus is limited to 4 riders plus the driver. Masks must be worn. Rides are now scheduled by appointment only. Call the Senior Center on Fridays from 8:30 AM-1:00 PM to schedule your ride for the following week. Trips to Market Basket, Target and Marshalls planned for February. Call today to reserve your ride.