The following information was provided by Watertown Walks for Peace:
For the seventh consecutive year Watertown residents will once again join in the Mothers’ Day Walk for Peace, supporting the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute and its services to families and communities affected by gun violence.
This year is the 25th anniversary of the Mother’s Day Walk for Peace and, like last year, will once again be a virtual fundraising event because of the pandemic. This will be the seventh year in a row that Watertown Walks for Peace (WW4P) is participating in the annual Mothers’ Day Walk for Peace. Organizers have set a fundraising goal of $3,000 – almost 50% higher than the $2020 goal last year.
Make your online donation now and double your contribution. Donations made before April 30 will be matched 100% — so make your donation now and help us meet our $3,000 goal. Make an online donation at our WW4P team webpage: https://lbdpeace.z2systems.com/ww4p2021.
Symbolic Walk for Peace in Watertown. Watertown residents can also join a short “Symbolic Walk for Peace” here in Watertown on Mother’s Day, May 9 (8:00 a.m.). The 2021 WW4P Team will be leading a short, in-person Walk for Peace from Church of the Good Shepherd to the Martin Luther King, Jr. public mural behind the Watertown Boys & Girls Club. Participants should wear masks and practice social distancing, and will enjoy coffee and donuts together at the end of the walk.
Mother’s Day Live Broadcast. Watertown residents can also tune into the annual celebration on May 9 at 9:00 a.m. on www.mothersdaywalk4peace.org live for the 25th Annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace.
Why WW4P is important. The Mother’s Day Walk for Peace is sponsored by the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute in Dorchester, a center for healing and teaching, supporting those who have lost loved ones to homicide, and working with young people to teach the ways of peace. It was founded 23 years ago by Chaplain Clementina Chery, the mother of Louis D. Brown, who was killed by random gunfire in 1993. The Institute has earned a reputation as an innovative leader for peace. For more information visit: http://www.ldbpeaceinstitute.org/
Watertown Walks for Peace is sponsored by: World in Watertown; Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment; First Parish of Watertown (Unitarian Universalist), Church of the Good Shepherd, and Kingian Response Team.
This is a perfect opportunity for the people who post here about how disturbing the violence in Roxbury and Dorchester is to get involved and do something to support the people affected by that violence and to prevent further violence. Make a donation, learn about the work the Peace Institute does, volunteer….All good options.