6 thoughts on “Long-Time Watertown Town Council Member Will Not Seek Re-Election in November

  1. Angie has served the town well for 16 years. We didn’t always agree, but I respect her passion and commitment to her district and the town. Enjoy your retirement Angie!

  2. complete sadness, one of my true favorite old school thinking councilors! massive loss for east
    end & watertown as a whole. yeah what a ride Angie from EWBA to the present! wish you the best. thanks for your service they don’t make them like you!

  3. Sorry to see this Angie! You have served our town so well and always stuck to your principles! Enjoy your free time!

  4. This will be a great loss for Municipal Government. Angie has been a voice of reason on the Council for 16 Years. But her advocacy for all of Watertown, especially East Watertown is decades long.
    Angie returned every call from every resident, whether in her district or not. She worked relentlessly to get problems fixed in each case, whether it was major or just getting a pothole fixed.
    In an era when certain Councilors use and abuse their elected position to be ACTIVISITS for issues that have nothing to do with Governing Watertown, Angie remained and Ardent ADVOCATE for the needs of those who call Watertown their home.
    I’m honored to call her a friend, wish her the very best in the future.

  5. Angie is old school, honest, a good listener, takes care of the nuts and bolts in order to keep the town moving along. She always tries to work on behalf of her constituents on practical matters, not getting caught up in political garbage and flavor of the day activities/initiatives/buzz words. Thank you for your dedicated service Angie, the town owes you a debt of gratitude.

  6. I am sorry to hear this news, but it is understandable. The issues today involving Watertown are much more complex and there is a lot of divisiveness in town politics and people aren’t as tolerant of diverse opinions. Angie has been a voice of reason and always worked hard to get pertinent facts before voting on issues. She has constantly communicated on town issues to people in her district and also the rest of the town. She often attended west end community meetings on the Pleasant St. developments. She should be proud of what she has done for us over all these years. Thank you, Angie, for your tremendous service and dedication.

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