Learn About Pollinators and Native Plants at the May Watertown Citizens Meeting

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The following announcement was provided by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment:

Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment’s May Monthly Meeting will be about Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways

The meeting will be held May 19, 2021 7:00 PM on Zoom. Learn why our pollinators need native plants at our Monthly Meeting.

Our May monthly meeting will feature Jean Devine and Brucie Moulton of Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways. MCPP is a volunteer coalition of gardeners and native plant enthusiasts that have come together to promote and create more pollinator habitats in our region – the Mystic & Metrowest Charles River Watersheds in Massachusetts. They will talk about the importance of native plants and putting your garden on the pollinator map.

For more information, go to our website: watertowncitizens.org

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