8 thoughts on “LETTER: Parents Urge School Building Committee to Approve Plan for New High School

  1. I support everything written in this letter. This is a much needed investment for our children and community.

  2. I fully support the new high school plans and the ideas contained in this letter! Thank you for writing on behalf of Watertown Public Schools students and families!

  3. Though I don’t family in the Watertown schools, I’m a town resident who values the schools in our community. I strongly support this letter for all the reasons it highlights. And I add my thanks to those who initiated and made public this letter of support.

  4. We fully support this plan. Our oldest child will be using the swing space for the beginning of high school. We want it to be a good experience. Our youngest will enjoy a brand new high school. Please add our names:
    Anna & Garry Nolan

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