Residents Wanted to Serve on Architectural Committee for New High School

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Ai3 Architects A rendering of what the new Watertown High School could look like. The view is from Common Street.

The following information was provided by the School Building Committee:

The School Building Committee is in the schematic design phase of the new Watertown High School. An architecture sub-committee is being established and is looking for citizen input to assist in some of the design elements.

We are looking for citizens with backgrounds in architecture, engineering and sustainability. 

This is a commitment through this phase which will wrap up by the end of the year and may meet 3-4 times a month.

Please send an email with your interest and background to

Submissions are due by July 15th

3 thoughts on “Residents Wanted to Serve on Architectural Committee for New High School

  1. Why won’t the process include inviting volunteer participants that will reflect the diversity of the Watertown community – rather than narrowly defining expectation for volunteers to possess a background in architecture, engineering and sustainability? We are all living with the ‘shared sacrifice’ of losing green open space @ Moxley Field due to the fact that local communities of color, seniors, and ppl from economic justice populations were not given a voice or a vote on the design or location of the new high school.

    • hello could you please not use the term “shared sacrifice” very poor choice of words when PFC Moxley was the one who sacrificed his life for the country, thank you

  2. Every School Building Committee (SBC) meeting has been been open to everyone to attend and comment. I have been to most of them. Multiple locations were vetted by the SBC. Multiple community meetings were held to get public feedback. To say that people were not given a voice is bogus. Anyone can signup on the town’s website for “Notify Me” regarding issues that they are concerned/interested in. And Charlie Breitrose has published numerous articles about school construction.

    This sub-committee will serve as a fresh set of eyes to look at the details of the WHS design and construction plans. Key skills and expertise are needed to take a critical look at these plans before final schematic design and costs are submitted to the MSBA. Watertown’s SBC and Ai3 architects have done – and still are doing – a deep dive into all aspects of this WHS project. That’s outstanding due diligence!

    Given Watertown’s size, everyone will be coping with school construction issues and some inconvenience at some time during construction phases. Cuniff will be done this fall and Moxley will soon follow. Both are being completed under budget and ahead of schedule. Lowell be renovated next. And WHS will be going to the MSBA in early 2022.

    Where have you been during 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021?

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