Watertown Church Invites Public to Blessing of the Animals

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Church of the Good Shepherd.

The following announcement was provided by the Church of the Good Shepherd:

The Church of the Good Shepherd invites all animal lovers to join us for the 2021 Blessing of the Animals. 

All animals and their people — including pets, stuffed animals, and photos of pets (the dearly departed or who can’t be present) — are welcome to join us for a special blessing by the Reverend Andrew Goldhor.

This annual ritual observing the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi will be held twice this year: outside the church on Sunday, October 3 at 12 noon (after the 10 a.m. worship service), and indoors on Thursday, October 7 at 7 p.m. (prior to the Hidden Brook contemplative prayer service). At the indoor blessing people will be masked and observe social distancing.

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The Church of the Good Shepherd, Watertown’s Episcopal parish, is located at 9 Russell Ave. at the corner of Mt. Auburn Street in the heart of the historic district.

Questions? Leave us a message at 617-924-9420 and we’ll call you back with answers.

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