Changes to Town Charter to be Discussed at Watertown Group’s Meeting

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Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment’s October monthly meeting will focus on the proposed changes to the Watertown Town Charter.

Watertown Citizens for Peace Justice and the Environment sent out the following information:

The meeting will be held Wednesday, October 27 on Zoom, 6:45 PM to Chat, 7:00 PM for Program

Are You Ready To VOTE on the Changes to the Watertown Charter?

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When you go to the poll on November 2 to elected Councilors, School Committee Members, and Library Trustees you will also see two questions about Watertown’s Home Rule Charter. We invite you to learn more about these questions and how your vote will change the future of Watertown.

Join us at Watertown Citizens’ October Monthly Meeting for a discussion about the Charter amendments and the ballot questions. Our guest will be Dr. Marcy Murninghan, a member of the Steering Committee of Watertown Forward which is a non-partisan, community organization dedicated to educating, engaging and empowering Watertown residents in the Charter Review process and the subsequent vote on the Charter amendments. Dr. Murninghan will provide a brief summary of the key changes to the Charter and the two ballot questions and then field questions from the attendees.

The meeting will be on Zoom. For the link, go to

The ballot questions:

• Whether to change our name from “The City Known as the Town of Watertown” to “The City of Watertown” – Yes or No

• Whether to adopt all other proposed changes – Yes or No

You can also read the charter and changes at

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