7 thoughts on “Incumbents Re-elected in Town Council & School Committee Races, Charter Changes Approved

  1. If you want to find this on the town website, you have to go to document center/town clerk/elections/election results and then try to figure out what file name they used. It’s not on the front page. It’s not under the election banner at the top of the page. See every other surrounding town to see how towns post results clearly. (This is why I voted for charter reform — better transparency.)

  2. Congrats to all the winners. Glad to see that “slates” lost and a diversity of experiences won! Time to focus on real issues and not phony diversions.

  3. I agree that it’s often hard to find specific information on Watertown’s Web site; a redesign for greater transparency and ease of use would be welcome. In this case, a browser search for “watertown ma election 2021 results” led to this page, which includes links to results from several years worth of recent elections: watertown-ma.gov/935/Election-Results

  4. I am truly saddened to see Angie Kounelis retiring from public service. Angie served East Watertown with care and conviction for the past 16 years. She embraced the whole community while taking special interest in Watertown’s seniors. Angie understood that being a councilor is about making sure that the “nuts and bolts” of government and services come together productively and seemlessly. Above all Angie was not motivated by politics or a political agenda. I could not even determine if she had any strong political affiliation. I think her only affiliation and love, for that matter, was Watertown itself. Thank you Angie for your service!

  5. I agree Angie K was a great asset to the residents of the town and didn’t get caught up in political agendas. I hope the new councilors will focus on the real “kitchen table issues” that affect Watertown. Our town shouldn’t get bogged town with “noise” issues that are national talking points.

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