The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
The City of Watertown is seeking three (3) residents to serve on an advisory committee for its Comprehensive Plan Update. The deadline for applying is February 22, 2022.
The City of Watertown is beginning a process to update its 2015 Comprehensive Plan. Although the update will involve all Plan elements, the update will focus intensively on four: (1) land use, (2) economic development, (3) transportation, circulation and parking and (4) open space and recreation. One of the most critical components of the process will be community engagement in identifying key issues, and revisiting goals and implementation strategies contained in the 2015 Plan. The City has selected a consultant team to work with Planning Staff and a Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) of seven members. The proposed plan update will be brought to the Planning Board and the City Council for public hearing and approval.
In addition to representatives from the City Council, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Watertown Business Coalition, the committee will include three residents that fit the categories listed below.
1) One person with expertise on transportation issues. Members of the Bike-Ped and other transportation related committees have been invited to apply; other residents with transportation expertise are welcome to apply.
2) Two persons from under-represented populations within the community, including (but not limited to) minority, non-native English speaking community members, families with children, younger adults, and shift workers.
The PAC will provide counsel to Planning Staff and to the Comprehensive Plan Update Team (led by consultant Stantec). The Committee’s advice will focus on: public engagement (helping ensure that there is robust public discussion); identifying key issues; and the content of planning documents produced. The PAC is expected to meet until a final plan update is approved by the Planning Board and the City Council in approximately March 2023. Meetings will be held as needed; the PAC could meet monthly during some parts of the process. Meetings will be public, either remote or hybrid (in person, with a remote option). Meetings will generally be scheduled to start between 5 and 7 PM.
To apply, please send a letter explaining your background and interest to Liz Helfer, ehelfer@watertown-ma.gov.