Watertown Senior Center The Watertown Senior Center is ready for St. Patrick’s Day.
The following information was provided by the Watertown Senior Center:
Watertown Senior Center Programs for Week of March 7, 2022. Some programs are offered on Zoom and some are in-person at the Senior Center.
Please call us at 617-972-6490 to pre-register for all in-person programs to reserve your spot. New participants are always welcome in every program. We hope you’ll join us! Reminder: Masks are highly recommended when visiting the Senior Center, and required when riding the Senior Shuttle Bus and when visiting the Watertown Food Pantry, regardless of vaccination status. Thank you.
Senior Shuttle Bus for Weekly Shopping Needs & Special Trips
The Watertown Senior Shuttle Bus is on the road for grocery shopping and some special trips. Masks are required on the bus. Rides are door-to-door and are now scheduled by appointment only. Call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490 for more information about times and to schedule your ride. Suggested donation is $2.00 roundtrip paid to the driver. Don’t delay, call today!
Tuesday, 3/8 to Kohl’s and Walmart
Wednesday, 3/9 to Stop & Shop
Thursday, 3/10 to Market Basket
Friday, 3/11 Special trip to McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College
Tuesday, 3/15 is changed to Market Basket (not Trader Joe’s)
Wednesday, 3/16 to Stop & Shop
Thursday, 3/17 to Market Basket
Activities Schedule for Week of 3/7/2022
Monday, 3/7: Last Day to Register for St. Patrick’s Grab-n-Go
10:00 AM: Zoom Art Class
12:30 PM: Zoom Chair Yoga
12:30 PM: Bridge
2:00 PM: Zoom Line Dancing
2:00 PM: Chess, Canasta at the Senior Center
2:30 PM: Presentation “Self-care through loss and change” AT the Senior Center
Tuesday, 3/8
10:00 AM: Watertown Mall Walk
12:30 PM: Zoom Tai Chi & Meditation with Marie Favorito
12:30 PM: Cribbage, Scrabble at the Senior Center-call to register
1:00 PM: Tech Help Clinic with Ed for those who pre-registered
Wednesday, 3/9
9:00 AM: NEW Day/Time: Chair Volleyball
10:00 AM: Book Club AT the Senior Center
11:00 AM: Zoom Total Body Exercise with Nicole
1:30 PM: Rummikub at the Senior Center
1:30 PM: Canasta, Scrabble at the Senior Center
2:00 PM: Zoom SmartPhone Photography session 1
4:00 PM: COA Board Meeting
Thursday, 3/10:
(Chair Volleyball moved to Thursdays at 9 AM)
9:00 AM: Zoom Exercise
10:30 AM: Zoom Talk with Tom
1:00 PM: Whist at the Senior Center
1:00 PM: Friends of the Watertown COA Meeting AT the Senior Center
Friday, 3/11:
10:30 AM: NEW Time: Jazz Dance & Fitness with Susan
12:00 PM: Zoom Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman
1:00 PM: Zoom Mellowtones Choral Group with Anne Silverman
2:00 PM: Art Class Social AT the Senior Center
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, 3/15: Flowers with Ernie
Wednesday, 3/16: LGBTQI Roundtable
Thursday, 3/17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Friday, 3/18: Zoom Presentation: Collective Memory Project of the Watertown Free Public Library
Saturday, 3/19 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Watertown/Belmont Rabies Clinic at 266 Beech Street,
Belmont (The Beech Street Center), $10. Bring your pet and pet’s last Rabies’ certificate and
proof of Watertown residency. For questions call the Watertown Health Department at 617-972-
AARP Tax Preparation – Appointments Still Available!
The AARP Tax Prep Volunteers will be returning to the Senior Center starting February 8 through April 15 on Tuesdays and Fridays to prepare tax returns free of charge with a special focus on taxpayers who are over 50 or have low to moderate income and have no rental income. You don’t have to be an AARP member. All of AARP’s tax preparations are done by trained volunteers who must complete training and pass IRS certification annually to assist in tax preparation. This year, tax assistance will be available at the Watertown Senior Center by appointment only, and available options can change on short notice based on COVID-19 conditions.
Call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490 to schedule your appointment.
Watertown Food Pantry open Tuesdays, 10 AM – 2 PM
The Food Pantry is located at 80 Mount Auburn Street, rear, and is open Tuesdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. As of March 1, 2022, food donations are SUSEPENDED until further notice, due to construction at the building. Follow this link for more details: Watertown Food Pantry |
Watertown, MA – Official Website. Masks are required for all visitors to the
Food Pantry. Thank you to all who have donated!
The Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center is located at 31 Marshall Street, Watertown, MA. Phone: 617-972-6490