The Watertown Police Department announced the end of the winter parking ban.
The WPD sent out the following announcement:
Police Chief Michael Lawn would like to inform you that Watertown will lift enforcement of the all night parking ban effective Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 12:00 pm.
The Department of Public Works, Police Department and Fire Department would like to remind motorists that keeping the streets clear allows for road repairs, street cleaning and easy access for public safety vehicles. To that end, all Departments encourage residents to make full use of off-street parking when it is available.
This is good news especially for the people that live on Berkeley Street in Watertown. We have a terrible parking problem. So when the ban is lifted it helps us.a great deal. Especially for the seniors and the handicapped.
This is good news for some who find it difficult to juggle the cars in their driveways. I do have a question on street cleaning though. Could there be a way to have a set schedule for it? No one seems to know when the street cleaners are going to come down their street and, therefore, if there are cars parked on the street, sections of streets never see the cleanups. I know other cities have schedules and that helps keep things a lot cleaner. If something could be developed and at least communicated with the quarterly tax bulletins, homeowners would be aware of the schedule.
Who knows with street cleaning? Is it my imagine or has the overall efficiency and responsiveness of the DPW gone down hill since Gerry Mee left?