Watertown High School PTSO All-Night Party is Back, Funded by Donations

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The following announcement was provided by the Watertown High School PTSO:

The Watertown High School PTSO is excited to bring back the All-Night Party for the Class of 2022. Our goal is to provide a safe place for all of our students to celebrate together one last time, free of chemical substance or alcohol, under adult supervision.

The All-Night Party is supported by donations and ticket sales. It features entertainment, food and fun-filled activities for our graduating seniors. Teachers, parents, civic and community members volunteer their time as chaperones. This year’s party is on graduation night, Friday June 3, 2022 in the High School gymnasium and cafeteria from 11:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. the following morning.

Donations are accepted by check payable to WHS PTSO or online at https://go.rallyup.com/40bb2d. Donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged with a letter.

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