The Watertown Community Foundation sent out the following information:
About High School Internship Program
Since 2015, WCF has offered stipends to high school students living in Watertown, attending any school, to do a summer internship for at least 20 hours of voluntary work per week for at least six weeks. Students gain valuable professional experience, learn more about an area of interest, all while earning an income. Applications are due in the spring, and all students can contact Adrienne Eaton at Watertown High School to learn more.
Stipend Amount
Students gain valuable professional experience, learn more about an area of interest, all while being paid a $1,000 stipend.
Internship Types
Grant recipients have been interns in summer education programs, doctor’s offices, veterinary clinics, theater programs, a makerspace, and non-profit organizations working to alleviate poverty among others. Students are encouraged to talk with their high school guidance counselor to learn more.
Submission Instructions
Students (regardless of where they attend high school) should email Watertown High School guidance councilor Adrienne Eaton adrienne.eaton@watertown.k12.ma.us
Applications being accepted now for summer internships. See contact information above to receive information about application process.
Questions? Email info@watertownfoundation.org