Watertown Celebrating National Farmers Market Week with Scavenger Hunt, Music & More

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The following information was provided by the Watertown Farmers Market:

Join us on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022, between 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. in Saltonstall Park, next to City Hall, to celebrate our market and the community that supports it!

This year, Watertown has the honor of hosting visitors from the State, including John Lebeaux, Commissioner of Mass. Department of Agricultural Resources, Steven Owens, State Representative 29th Middlesex District, Christine Ruggieri, Acting Regional Administrator, USDA FNS Northeast Region, Edith Murnane, Executive Director of Mass. Farmers Markets, as well as other representatives from state and local agencies.

This year’s market activities will include live music, a scavenger hunt with prizes, an informational display about the Watertown Farmers’ Market, local artisans, and more. Special remarks by our guests will take place between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Be sure to stop by!

National Farmers Market Week is an annual celebration of farmers markets coordinated by the Farmers Market Coalition; a membership-based nonprofit organization that supports farmers markets nationwide. This year, the campaign is centered around the essential role that farmers market operators play in our local food systems and in developing resilience in communities as hubs for local economies and connection.

The Watertown Market was established in 2014 and has been under city management since 2017, with a relocation to Saltonstall Park in 2019. The market currently hosts 20 farm and specialty vendors selling a variety of items including farm fresh vegetables, fruits, and meats, local fish, baked good, and many specialty and ethnic foods including ready-to-eat and gluten free options.

With ongoing challenges due to the pandemic including additional costs, food insecurity, and mental health concerns, the market continues to provide access to local and healthy foods, while offering a place to gather, connect, and collect valuable information and resources from many collaborators who host our community and city tents.

The market’s Food Assistance Programs help support those facing food insecurity. We offer a weekly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Match, up to $15, and access to three certified Heathy Incentive Program (HIP) farm vendors who provide free produce to eligible customers. Weekly donations from select vendors go to the Watertown Catholic Collaborative Food Pantry or the Community Fridge. The market’s food assistance programs and donations reach approximately 100 people per week.

“Farmers markets are abundant sources of food, connection and resilience in our communities across the country, but they don’t just happen on their own.” said Ben Feldman, Farmers Market Coalition Executive Director. “Behind the scenes of every successful farmers’ market is a dedicated person or team working to make the market thrive. These farmers market operators are experts who need community and financial support to run their markets and resources
specifically designed for their needs. Throughout National Farmers Market Week 2022, we will be highlighting the vital work of farmers market operators across the nation. Join us!”

More information about the Watertown Farmers’ Market can be found at: www.watertownmarket.com

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