4 thoughts on “Most Watertown Voting Locations Will be Usual Spots, Council to Examine Election Decision Process

  1. I would like to know who dropped the ball on the proposed Precinct 1 & 3 move to Hosmer. It was announced here as a done deal but now what is being said is that it has been “suggested” that the precincts move to Hosmer. Thanks to Angie K for getting Watertown to tap the brakes on this proposed move of the polling place.

    • No one “dropped the ball”. Did you read the article saying the precincts “may” be moved? And the part where the City Council has the final say? I never saw any reference to this being a “done deal” and frankly it’s unfair to cast aspersions on the City Clerk here.

      • I did not mention the City Clerk. What was posted here read that the precincts 1 & 3 would all be at the Hosmer School going forward. In response to that, Angie K wrote a letter to the editor that brought up very valid and strong points on why the precincts 1 & 3 should stay at the Hellenic Center. And, after that letter is published, it is written in the Watertown News that there would be no change in polling locations. I am only left to surmise that there is some confusion at city hall on WHO decides where the polling places will be.

  2. Everyone please be aware: I would not waste my time and energy to send communication to the Honorable City Council on 08/05/2022, without substantiating documentation.. All materials are readily available.

    Subsequently, on 08/06/2022 my transmittal was posted as a Letter to the Editor. Linked was the 08/01/2022 Notify Me email from the City that clearly stated: “Please be aware that changes have been made to some of the Polling Precincts”. I presume the document on Watertownmanews has been deleted so as not to confuse with the amended notification, voted by the City Council. Thank you.

    Angeline Maria B. Kounelis
    Retired District A, East End, City Councilor

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