LETTER: Group Encourages Older Residents to Participate in Comprehensive Plan Process

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Submitted by Bob Shay of Watertown for All Ages

Watertown for All Ages, a grassroots community organization, encourages older adults and their children to make their voices heard in the city’s Comprehensive Planning process that will shape the future of Watertown for years to come.

Watertown for All Ages has submitted recommendations for improved programs and services for older residents. To learn more and read the recommendations visit the Watertown for All Ages website (www.watertownforallages.org) or email: info@watertownforallages.org.

The City is holding workshops for the public to participate in the Comprehensive Plan process on September 20 and 29. For details: https://engagestantec.mysocialpinpoint.com/watertown-plan/watertown-plan-events/ 

“We hope the ideas we have offered for the Comprehensive Plan will be the basis for a broader community discussion, and we encourage everyone to get involved,” said Bob Shay, President of Watertown for All Ages.

Watertown for All Ages’ list of opportunities that the City planners should consider includes suggestions to increase transportation and affordable housing options, identify innovative ways to decrease social isolation, support intergenerational programs, and offer a broader range programs and recreational opportunities that will be of interest to a more diverse population of older residents.

“During the coming year Watertown will be making other critical decisions that will affect the services the city will be providing older Watertown residents,” said Shay. The City will be hiring a new Director of Senior Services, developing a Master Plan that will probably include the redevelopment of the Senior Center, and the Council’s Human Services committee will be retaining a consultant to undertake a city-wide Social Services needs assessment. 

Over the past decade Watertown for All Ages has been collaborating with town city departments, service organizations, and providers to support and advocate for policies that will make Watertown more age-friendly for older adults and thereby more welcoming to people of all ages.  Join the Watertown for All Ages email list at www.watertownforallages.org.

One thought on “LETTER: Group Encourages Older Residents to Participate in Comprehensive Plan Process

  1. As a senior home own in Watertown for over 40 years. I find it difficult to get help with things that need to be done. I have a landscaper but they only cut the grass and blow any debre off the walkways. I could use someone to do simple yard work that I can not longer do. Also I could use someone to check issue in the house either upstairs or in the basement; I can no longer climb stairs.
    In addition I believe that the property tax discount should Carrie over from year to year instead of applying every year. Once a homeowner becomes a senior citizen and received the discount, they do not get younger. Once a senior always a senior.
    Then senior trues to help seniors but they are limited to what they have available. I think that the town should look at seniors need in more depth to determine what the town could do to help us live a better life.

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