Watertown Putting Together Veterans Day Tribute, See How You Can Contribute

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The following information was provided by the Watertown Veterans Services Office:

Everyone knows a Veteran. Whether it’s your son, daughter, cousin, friend, or neighbor: everyone knows a Veteran. This year, Watertown Veterans’ Services is partnering with The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts to publicly display everyone’s support for the Veteran in your life.

Between Nov. 2 and Nov. 16, you are invited to visit the Mosesian Center, located at located at 321 Arsenal St., Watertown; take a dog tag; write about a Veteran you know; and place it on the wall. There will be a brief ceremony at 9 a.m. on Veterans’ Day, Friday, Nov. 11 to commemorate the wall and show the final product.

The Mosesian Center for the Arts, now a multi-disciplinary nonprofit arts organization, operates out of an historic 1894 building that was once part of the Watertown Arsenal. Originally founded on forty acres on the northern banks of the Charles River in 1816, the Arsenal grew over the 19th and 20th centuries from storage to a major military manufacturing, research, and development facility. The Army closed all operations in the 1990s, and the Arsenal is now a vibrant commercial, residential, and arts destination that is also designated a National Historic District.

Mosesian Center Hours to contribute to the Wall will be Wednesday through Saturday, 1 p.m. – 8 p.m.

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