Charlie Breitrose A closeup of the section of the Kingian Nonviolence Mural featuring Martin Luther King on the back of the Watertown Boys and Girls Club.
The following announcement was sent out by the Watertown Unity Breakfast:
Get Ready for the MLK Breakfast with Art and Music!
As the community prepares to celebrate Martin Luther King, Junior Day this year, the Unity Breakfast Planning Committee will host an afternoon of music and art at the Cunniff School on Saturday, January 7 from 4 to 6 pm.
Watertown youth, family, and other residents are invited to enjoy music by the Cunniff Choir and Berklee musicians that celebrates the Black experience. In addition, participants can contribute to an art mural, and learn about the six principles of nonviolence.
WHEN: January 7 from 4-6 p.m.
WHERE: Cunniff Learning Commons, 246 Warren St.
The following week, The Watertown Annual MLK Day Unity Breakfast will be held virtually on Monday, January 16, 2023 at 10 a.m. Together we will celebrate our commitment to an inclusive and diverse community. This year, Chaplain Clementina Chery, founder, President, and CEO of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, will be the Keynote Speaker.
For more information about both events, visit https://www.unitybreakfast.org. Any questions
may be directed to watertownunitybreakfast@gmail.com.