Learn About Vocational Education Opportunities for Watertown Students

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The Watertown Public Schools will host an informational evening about vocational and career technical education opportunities for Watertown students.

In past years, Minuteman High School was the choice for a majority of Watertown students looking to learn a trade or take part in vocational education. In recent years, the school in Lexington has not had capacity to accept students from outside the district, and Watertown is not part of the Minuteman District.

There are other opportunities, including Medford Vocational High School and programs at Watertown High School.

The following information was sent out about the informational session:

“Interested in learning about career and technical education? Watertown will be hosting an information night for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders on February 1 at 6 p.m. at the Watertown Middle School auditorium. This is a great opportunity for students and families to learn about the vocational offerings at Watertown High School and beyond. For more information, please contact Laura Alderson Rotondo, Career and Technical Education Coordinator, at laura.aldersonrotondo@watertown.k12.ma.us

The School Committee created an Ad Hoc Career, Vocational, and Technical Education Committee to put together a plan for vocational education for Watertown students. See more here:

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