The following announcement came from the City of Watertown:
The annual City Census will be arriving in your mailbox soon! Be sure to complete, sign and return your Census as soon as you receive it!
Here is why your Census is so important:
Only a census form can update your census year. If you do not return your annual census, your census year will not be current. Each June, any voter without a current census year will be classified as an “Inactive Voter,” regardless of whether they voted in a recent election. INACTIVE VOTERS ARE STILL VOTERS AND REMAIN ON THE VOTING LIST!!!
What this means at the polls:
If a voter is inactive on Election Day, they must provide ID showing their Watertown address and sign an affidavit of continuous residence, swearing that they still live in the city. The voter will then cast their ballot as usual. If a voter cannot or chooses not to provide ID, they can vote but their ballot must be challenged by the Warden of the precinct, and they must complete the challenged voter paperwork.
Actions to take:
There are several easy ways that a person can reactivate their status at any time! They can return their Census! If they did not receive a form or have misplaced their form, they can print out and complete a blank census form and return it to us so that we may update their census year. Find this form here. They can reregister to vote (online, by mail, or in person). Please click here for the Online Voter Application. If they request a Vote by Mail or Absentee ballot, they become active. If they sign a nomination paper or initiative petition, they become active. They can visit the City Clerk’s Office and provide ID, and they will be reactivated. It’s very fast and easy!
If you are unsure what your current voter status is, please click here. Or contact the City Clerk’s Office and they will be happy to assist you. The City Clerk can be reached at, via phone at 617-972-6486, or in the office at 149 Main Street.
What does the Census do:
Responding to the annual census is important for many reasons:
- To maintain a voter’s “active” voter status
- To maintain accurate population information
- For the allocation of State and Federal Funds and grants to the City
- To provide proof of residency for numerous personal and/or legal requirements such as:
- Housing benefits for the elderly or other eligible persons
- In-state tuition at State colleges or universities
- School enrollment
- Veteran’s benefits
See the Watertown Census Inactive Flow Chart.
Return your Census today and stay Active!!!