Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin Supplies collected to send to the survivors of the earthquake in Syria.
The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group:
Throughout the past month, members of Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group (a working group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment) have been gathering a variety of emergency supplies to send to Syria via Turkey.
Spearheaded by RSG member Diane Crowley, the most recent effort culminated in a bursting carload of supplies delivered by member Youla Hana this past Saturday to the Burlington drop-off point for Nu Day Syria. Youla delivered numerous boxes and bags, including donated diapers, women’s hygiene products, first-aid items, OTC medications, pediasure nutritional drinks, non-perishable food, and new-only clothing and shoes. (Unfortunately Turkey is no longer accepting any used clothing, regardless of the condition.)
Operating out of New Hampshire, Nu Day Syria has been collecting, packing and sending shipping containers of supplies to crisis and war-torn areas for over 10 years. They are currently working on the ground in Syria with their partners, the White Helmets, to rescue families and distribute aid to as many vulnerable women and children as possible. For more information about NuDaySyria’s support operation and activities, visit www.nudaysyria.org
For more information about Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group activities, visit www.facebook.com/groups/WatertownCitizensRefugeeSupport/ or email Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin at seht128@gmail.com