Residents Wanted for Boards That Deal With Traffic, Seniors, Trash/Recycling & Affordable Housing

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The following information was provided by the City of Watertown:

The City of Watertown is seeking Residents to serve on the Traffic Commission, Council on Aging, Cultural Council, Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee, and Affordable Housing Trust

City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking Watertown residents interested in serving on the following City Boards, Commissions and Committees in accordance with Ordinance # 2007-46, an Ordinance on the Timing and Process of Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest accompanied by a resume or other information concerning background or experience by email to or City Manager’s Office, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472.

Traffic Commission

Description: The duties and responsibilities of the Traffic Commission shall include: study the traffic situation in the City and shall suggest and advise the City Manager in ways and means to regulate traffic in the City and recommend changes and amendments to the Traffic Rules and Orders of the City with a view towards reducing accidents and relieving traffic congestion. The Traffic Commission meets the last Wednesday of each month. One current member holding the position wishes to serve another term.

Council on Aging

Description: The Council on Aging identifies needs and interests of older residents in Watertown, educates the community about the needs of seniors, formulates policies, and promotes services and programs to meet senior needs and work with professional staff and volunteers to provide programs. Board meets the second Wednesday of each month. One current member holding the position wishes to serve another term.

Cultural Council

Description: Cultural Council exists to promote the Arts in Watertown by distributing state-allotted money to approved artists/artistic organizations each year. Duties of council members include review and discussion of grant applications once a year, administration of funds, record and bookkeeping, and on-going communication with the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Candidates should have an interest in promoting cultural enrichment. Council meets as needed.

Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee

Description: The Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee will assist the City in improving the operational efficiency, flexibility, and capacity of the Public Works Department to meet the City’s growing needs to manage contractors, respond to work order requests, oversee development projects, plan and implement infrastructure improvements, improve communications to residents about road construction, comply with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) 2030 Solid Waste Management Plan, and maintain complete streets infrastructure. Consider what technology platforms are needed to support the Department. Two current members holding the position wish to serve another term.

Affordable Housing Trust 

Description: The Housing Plan adopted by the City of Watertown on March 23, 2021 documented the need to create and preserve more affordable housing within the City. The Watertown Housing Partnership recommended the formation of a municipal affordable housing trust under M.G.L. c. 44, §55C to establish a trust to facilitate the creation and preservation of affordable housing within the City of Watertown for the benefit of low-to-moderate-income households and for the funding of community housing. The Honorable City Council adopted Ordinance 2021-89, An Ordinance to Accept the Provisions of M.G.L. C. 44, §55c to Establish a Trust to Facilitate the Creation and Preservation of Affordable Housing Within the City of Watertown at their November 23, 2021 meeting. Three current members holding the position wish to serve another term.

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