This Week: Planning Board Hears Citizens Petitions, Council Voting on Budget

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Watertown City Hall

The Planning Board will discuss two citizens petitions to change Watertown’s zoning on Wednesday night, and the City Council will vote on the City budget on Tuesday night. Also, a City Council committee will discuss the role of the Election Commission, and the Library Trustees will meet about the screening committee for the Library Director search.

A pair of citizens petitions will be discussed by the Planning Board. One calls for reducing the maximum Floor Area Ratio (the square footage allowed in relation to the size of the property) in the Central Business District. This area includes part of Watertown Square and an area along Main Street. (Read more here). The second petition seeks to reduce the impact of developments on abutting residential districts (Find out more here). The Planning Board meets Wednesday, June 14, at 7 p.m. in City Hall and remote. See the petitions and how to participate here.

The City Council will hold a public hearing and vote on the Fiscal Year 2024 City Budget, which also includes the Watertown Schools and the water and sewer budgets. Some new positions are included in the budget, read more here. They will also vote on a new trash and recycling contract with Republic Services. The Council will meet on Tuesday, June 13, at 7 p.m. in City Hall and remote. See the agenda and how to participate here.

The Council’s Committee on Federal, State and Regional Government will discuss the roles of the Election Commission. The committee will meet Monday, June 12, at 5:30 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in City Hall and remote. See more here.

The Board of Library Trustees will appoint a library staff member to the Library Director preliminary search committee. The meeting will be held Monday, June 12, ate 7 p.m. in the Trustees Room in The Watertown Library and remote. See more here

One thought on “This Week: Planning Board Hears Citizens Petitions, Council Voting on Budget

  1. If you feel the current zoning is not representing your area of the city or the downtown area, it is important for you to participate in the Planning Board Meeting on Wednesday night, June 14. There are two petitions, which many of you may have signed, that will be discussed and voted on by the Planning Board.

    There were over 600 signatures on the two petitions. There would have been a lot more if more people helped with getting signatures. Many of the people said that it’s a waste of time to do this because they have lost confidence in our city leaders to listen to us and respond accordingly. Let’s prove them wrong.

    Now is the time for you to speak out regarding zoning. This may be the last chance for you to have influence on what the Planning Board and our Councilors will be deciding. They need to know what you think. If you don’t, then don’t say later that you hate what’s happening in our city. Participation is key to getting the desired results.

    Please either attend in person Zoom into the meeting (and speak out). The details of the meeting are in the link below in Watertown News.

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