The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
The City of Watertown, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI), has embarked on a Digital Equity Planning project to improve broadband access, adoption, and digital literacy in the community.
As part of this initiative, Watertown will be hosting a Broadband 101 and Digital Equity Information Session on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. that will be open to the public. Planned topics include:
– An introduction to Watertown’s digital equity planning project
– Why broadband is critical to Watertown residents
– The technical evolution of broadband including present and future needs
– The importance of digital equity and forthcoming funding opportunities
– Q&A Session
Please join us on Zoom: https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/86338383018
Meeting ID: 863 3838 3018
Before the meeting, learn more about Digital Equity here on our website.