The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Boys & Girls Club:
The Stephen P. Mugar Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit Watertown Boys & Girls Club!
Since its inaugural playing in 1978, the Watertown Boys & Girls Club annual golf tournament has been the cornerstone of the Club’s fundraising calendar. Hosted at beautiful Oakley Country Club in Watertown, MA this showcase event is recognized as one of the best of its kind in the Greater Boston area. As one of the original founding members of WBGC, Stephen P. Mugar was an avid supporter and keen participant during the tournament’s early years. After his passing in 1982, the event was re-named in recognition of Mr. Mugar’s years of dedication and service to the Watertown Boys & Girls Club.
Since then, the Mugar Family has generously pledged an annual matching contribution for all proceeds raised from the event with that match now reaching up to $80,000 per year! Thanks to their incredible support, the Stephen P. Mugar Memorial tournament continues to thrive and now accounts for over 25% of the Club’s annual fundraising goal. Whether you choose to participate as a sponsor, play in the tournament, or make a donation, your support will help transform the lives of young people in our community. Your support and participation in this year’s event is greatly appreciated!
The Mugar Family will match the tournament’s net profits up to $80,000 in memory of one of the Club’s founding members, Stephen P. Mugar!
We are so grateful to the Mugar Family for continuing to support this vital fundraiser
- COST: $1,200 per foursome / $300 per individual golfer. Includes golf cart, golfer’s gift, lunch, snacks and entry into all contests on the course. Register online using QR code below.
- REGISTER ONLINE WITH CREDIT CARD: https://bit.ly/MugarGolf2023 or scan the QR code below.
- Download our 2023 Tournament Registration form HERE. Complete and submit your form via mail with a check made payable to “Watertown Boys & Girls Club” to the address below,
- OR email your completed form to kevans@watertownbgc.org and send payment via check to:
Watertown Boys & Girls Club
25 Whites Avenue
Watertown MA 02472
If you are not able to golf, you can still support the Club!
Scan QR Code to purchase a 50/50 or lotto board raffle ticket or to make a donation to the Club.
Questions? Please contact Kerry Evans or Gary Beatty at 617-926-0968, or email kevans@watertownbgc.org.
- Titanium Sponsor: $10,000 Includes: Prominent placement of a large sponsor banner at event registration area; Recognition on event page of WBGC website and electronic communications; Signage on all golf carts in the event; Foursome entry in the golf tournament!
- Platinum Sponsor: $5,000 Includes: Sponsor banner at event registration area; Recognition on event page of WBGC website and electronic communications; Foursome entry in the golf tournament!
- Gold Sponsor: $2,500 Includes: Sponsor banner at event registration area; Recognition on event page of WBGC website and electronic communications; Two (2) player entry in the golf tournament!
- Silver Sponsor: $1,000 Includes: Sponsor banner at event registration area; Recognition on event page of WBGC website and electronic communications.
- Hole Sponsor: $200 Your Company/Family Name professionally printed on a 18×24 inch WBGC branded sign, prominently placed at the tee box of one (1) hole on the course. Sponsors have the ability to sponsor multiple holes.