Recreation Department Hosting Walking Tour, Discussion of Renovation Plans for Casey Park

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Plans for the renovation of the baseball field and playground at Casey Park. (Courtesy of CDM Smith)

The following announcement was provided by the Recreation Department:

The Watertown Recreation Department in partnership with the Department of Public Works will host an onsite public meeting at Casey Park on Thursday, Aug. 3 at 6 p.m. to present recreational facility renovation plans for the remaining sections of Casey Park which were not completed in our Phase I renovation several years back.

Glenn Howard, Design Consultant from CDM Smith with lead the presentation for the City of Watertown.

On Site Community Meeting – Casey Park

An overhead view of Casey Park. (Photo courtesy of Watertown Recreation)

Review of Recommended Recreational Facility Plan; Casey Park

  • Welcome and update: Peter Centola, Director of Recreation
  • Presentation of history of process, Glenn Howard – CDM Smith
  • Presentation of design, Glenn Howard – CDM Smith CDM Smith
  • Walking tour of Casey Park, identifying locations of amenities
  • Your comments, concerns, and questions

4 thoughts on “Recreation Department Hosting Walking Tour, Discussion of Renovation Plans for Casey Park

  1. Could someone please provide the potential design concepts/details on the city website as well as to Watertown News ASAP? The last onsite walkabout meeting was pre-Covid. Seems to me the process, design, and the renovation plans deserve a thorough review after all this time. Thank you.

  2. Here is the link to the Renovation Plans:

    The new large public bathroom doesn’t make sense to me here. The building blocks the hockey walkway, and the doors to the bathrooms look like they open directly into the hockey rink. AND why have the doors so publicly viewable and so close to the rink. Please consider women’s privacy and safety here. Even the port-a-johns currently there are a better option than this placement.

    Also because the park is built within an old pond basin, noise travels and echos surprising well. We in the abutting houses can hear people’s conversations from the other side of the park. We really don’t want to hear this noise on top of everything else.

    Please consider pushing the building out toward the street and reversing the doors to the other side or on the ends for M/F entrance/exits. Alternatively, there is a space directly across the street, an unused alleyway for decades, that could be purchased by the town for this new public bathroom (OR use the new Parker second City Hall for public bathroom space and save the Watertown taxpayers $).

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