LETTER: Kudos to the City for the Work Around Bemis Park

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A stop sign installed next to Bemis Park. (Courtesy of Mark Pickering)

Letter To the Editor,

Baseball season and ongoing road work where I live all reminds me of what a great job that the City of Watertown did around Bemis Park. That included the repaving of streets around there.

I know Bemis from attending Little League games there and using the playground with my daughter, now 7 years old. The park is at the busy corner of Waltham and Bridge streets.

It really is set up for young children. A sign on the backstop says, in part, that the field is geared to “Baseball For Players Under 13 Years Old.”

Bemis Park hosts Watertown Little League games. (Courtesy of Mark Pickering)

The work overseen by the City added two stop signs for Waltham Street, thus cutting down on speeding. That’s a good way to keep young kids safe. In addition, all the stop signs at the intersection have small lights around them; these run on small solar panels.

Along the lines of promoting safety, a speed bump/raised intersection at the intersection of Evans and Buick streets is meant to slow traffic around a popular park. Pedestrian crossings are accented by brick walkways.

 Kudos to the city of Watertown!

Mark Pickering
Copeland Street, Watertown

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