LETTER: Grassroots Housing Group Hosting Launch Event

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It’s becoming harder and harder to remain a member of this community. 

Every year, rising rents force more working families out while middle class and even affluent neighbors can’t afford to purchase a home, nevermind expand their families. Those looking to downsize after retirement, or hoping to age with dignity in the city they love, can’t find homes that work for them.

Young people driven away, families in financial distress, longtime residents exiled from their hometown: this is the face of the housing crisis in Watertown. It is a dilemma that threatens our well-being, economic futures, and our community. It is also a challenge that we can rise to overcome, together.

Housing For All Watertown is a new, independent, grassroots group with a mission to expand housing availability and affordability in Watertown. We envision a future of abundant housing options for individuals and families at every income level and stage of life in a diverse, sustainable, thriving community.

Join us on Saturday, Sept. 9 at 1 p.m at Nzuko Watertown to hear about the group’s plans and activities, meet members, enjoy some delicious food, and learn more about how you can get involved. Click here to RSVP.

All are welcome. Housing for All Watertown aims to build a broad, diverse, non-partisan coalition of residents to attack the housing crisis from every angle. We hope you can join us on Sept. 9 to help strengthen our beloved community.


The Housing for All Watertown Steering Committee

Rita Colafella, Sam Ghilardi, Daniel Pritchard, Josh Rosmarin, Jacky van Leeuwen

7 thoughts on “LETTER: Grassroots Housing Group Hosting Launch Event

  1. “Housing for all Watertown”. Catchy phrase that comes from people who live in million, dollar homes, welcome people who come here illegally with open arms and want restrictions on what homeowners or new buyers can do with their property. This is Watertown, not Cambridge, and not Newton.

    • I don’t see how this new group is negative in any way; in fact, its purpose is to advocate for something which our community badly needs. And, do you really know anything about the values and beliefs held by the individuals in this group, or the values of their homes? I don’t think so.

  2. I can’t attend this meeting but would love to be added to your email list.
    Thank you!
    Ann Asnes

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