LETTER: Great Turnout, Comments & Questions at Community Meeting

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This may be the shortest letter that you’ll ever see from me.

If you want to see an example of an excellent Watertown community meeting, (about 50  Watertown residents in attendance … the day after Labor Day … and lots of insightful comments and probing questions), a meeting that wasn’t supposed to happen, keep an eye out and watch the developer’s meeting for the 10-30 Manley Way project, recorded September 5th.

This is an example of why residents should be given an opportunity to speak on all of these projects, not just the brand, spanking new ones.  And this is Exhibit A that Watertown residents are knowledgeable people who care about their community and are striving to make our community better while saving us from ourselves.

Watch it and be proud!

Linda Scott
Watertown Resident

2 thoughts on “LETTER: Great Turnout, Comments & Questions at Community Meeting

  1. The response to this meeting is to be commended. A lot of very knowledgeable questions were posed to the developer regarding issues relating to Walker Pond, potential environmental issues depending on who leases the space, and possible businesses to be in this building.

    I was happy to see that the developer is looking at a variety of possible tenants and isn’t just fixed on having a lab at this location. Robotics, tech and light manufacturing are under consideration. It would be nice to have jobs available that are diverse for our Watertown residents.

    It’s important that people watch the meeting tape once it is available on Watertown cable. Also, please be aware that there is a Planning Board meeting on September 13 at city hall to discuss this development.

  2. I was able to attend the meeting also. I thought community members asked some good questions which I think the developers did their best to answer. This points to the value of community meetings prior to bringing a project before the Planning Board. My guess is that some, but not all, suggestions will be incorporated by the developers when they go in front of the Planning Board most likely in October. I think the request to re-orient the design to move the truck turn around will not happen without requiring the developers to changing the footprint of the building.

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