Anaïs Markwood Artist James Payne speaks about his sculpture “Opposition” during the grand opening of the Community Sculpture Walk.
The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
The Watertown Public Arts and Culture Committee (PACC) is excited to announce the second year of the Community Sculpture Walk. The Community Sculpture Walk will exhibit public sculptures to enhance use of green space in Watertown, encourage public interaction with contemporary art, and create an annual exhibition opportunity for artists at all career stages working in a variety of mediums.
The Community Sculpture Walk follows the Community Path from the parking lot behind the Watertown Free Public Library to Waverly Avenue. There are eight sites along the path for sculptures and additional sites may be added as the path is extended. Each year, four sculptures will be selected to be on loan for two years, so that each year four new sculptures will be on view.
Selected artists will be awarded $2,000 for the two-year loan of their sculpture. Sculptures must be suitable for long-term, outdoor exposure and fabricated and installed in a viewer-safe manner. Sculptures should also be installed in a way that is sensitive to the natural environment.
Applications are due Jan. 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Learn more and apply through the city’s online application system: https://watertownma.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1085/record-types/1006605
For questions, please contact Liz Helfer, Public Arts & Culture Planner at ehelfer@watertown-ma.gov or 617-972-6417.
See the current Community Sculpture Walk
(StoryMaps): https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/3599639c4b454a18bc1183766a0566e2